Well Christmas came and went again, and the New Year has snuck up on me once more.
How fast did 2013 go?
I managed to make lots of mini quilts just in time to hang for Christmas. I was head down, bottom up and all business for three weeks prior to the big day.
I scoured my mags for inspiration and was sufficiently persuaded to give a Bronwyn Hayes design a go. A bit over zealous and completely unrealistic I attempted to get the sticheries done for the wish quilt before Christmas, Silly me........
This was all I managed to achieve.

A decent effort I suppose, but completely unrealistic! Anyhow, I've decided to try and do a stichery a month to get them done in time for next Christmas, much better timing I think ;)
Onwards and Upwards.
The next quilt is a replica of a quilt I had but in more country colours. So I gave that one to mum and made myself another in a repro palette.

I'm really loving brown, red and pink at the moment. All it needs now is the binding.
This one is a little quilt I designed for my extra small quilt hanger. The whole thing measures under 7 inches. My daughter loves pudding motif's in sticheries or appliqué so I made it with her in mind. I love the teal, red and brown. It needs the binding top and bottom.
This next quilt is so cute. I came across it while blog hopping and just had to have the pattern immediately. The pattern in called Partridge in a Pear Tree and it's by Laurraine Yuyama. It was featured in the magazine Quilters Connection issue 1, 2009, which I found online digitally. Too Easy!
It took about three days to whip up and was simple to construct.
The little ornaments fit snugly in the pockets that line both sides of the quilt.
There are twelve ornaments in total. 11 Pears and 1 red Partridge. You hang one ornament a day for the twelve days of Christmas. What a wonderful alternative to the traditional Advent Calender!
My kids loved this quilt and took turns hanging an ornament on it every other day.

A really nice quilt to make for Christmas.
This one is a Bronwyn Hayes design that I altered slightly. This was not made before Christmas. This is an older quilt. This was made before I discovered repro colours.

This one is from the free bom bunny hill designs had running called Snowbound. I used some blocks to make a small quilt for a new hanger I got for Christmas.

There's so much you can do with these blocks. You don't have to make the full sized quilt if you don't want to. I made one for my mum too but forgot to take a pic before she took it home.
This little one I designed and whipped up in a couple of hours.
And this one is form a blog hop again, called Crow and Pomegranate mini Quilt by Joanne over at
I made it for my darling daughter who requested a small wall quilt for her new bedroom
featuring crows ;) you have to love them. ( kids, and crows too)
And last of all I started the little sticheries kit my kids bought me for Christmas. I have all three done and am onto the last one. I don't think I will be assembling them individually as the patterns says. I would much prefer to showcase them altogether in the one quilt.
And that's all I have to share with you all. I hope you enjoyed your Christmas and have a very happy and stitchy New Year. Let's hope we can all get some UFO's complete and continue to be inspired by each other and all the wonderful ladies and a few menfolk out there in Blogland.
Till next time.
Keep on stitching,